In commitment to excel and efforts to provide our clients with the best, we’ve begun upgrades on our servers that will result in much faster web load times and empower more stable website operations. Again, these updates are only being performed on My Website Created Business hosting servers. Clients that are hosting with us will experience very noticeable improvements in website loading speed and uptime.
As small business owners, we understand that if your website performs poorly it will reflect in revenue. The server upgrades are to ensure your website functions 100% and improve web stability and speed.
Questions & Answers (Business Hosting Server Upgrade)
- Who will these upgrades affect? These upgrades will affect clients who host on My Website Created Servers. If you do not host on a My Website Created business server and would like to, please let us know in the comments below and we’ll discuss.
- How long will these upgrades take to complete? As of now, we’ve already begun these upgrades and plan on completing the upgrades before the day is done.
- Are the upgrades free? This upgrade is at no cost to you, you’re a valued partner at My Website Created, we strive to provide you with excellence in everything we do.
- Will my website go down during the upgrade process? We’ve taken the proper precautions to ensure that your website stays up during the entire process. That is to say your website will not go down, but if it does, it will not be down for long.
- Any actions I need to take? None, we’ll take care of everything. After the server on which your website is hosted is finished upgrading we’ll notify you personally by email and let you know that upgrades are done.
- How much faster will my website be? This will vary between each website as they vary in development and installed software. Yet on average websites should experience a 30% speed increase. These upgrades will be completed today.
The Advantage (Faster websites rank higher in search engines)
Faster loading speeds and web stability is great. Yet there’s another not so obvious reason why we upgraded our clients’ web servers, websites that load faster rank higher in search engines. That is correct, the faster your website loads the higher Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine will rank it. It’s not uncommon to see ranking gains in search engines after server upgrades, though probably minor, I anticipate ranking gains happening for many.
Search engines want to display the best websites in their top ranking positions, a website that takes 7 seconds to load will repel visitors and reflect bad on Google (because they have a slow website in a high ranking position), while a website that takes 2 seconds to load quickly welcomes visitors and reflects well on Google.